Our office is conveniently located in Sydney: 801, Level 8/100 William St, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 (view in Google Maps).
Every workplace is different.
From negotiating the terms of employment contracts to providing advice on bullying laws and anti-bullying strategies, our workplace lawyers are trained to address a variety of complex legal issues.
Workplace law is one of the major areas that small business owners constantly get caught out with.
It can be a very tricky area when it comes to proper awards, categorisation of employees, employees v contractors, proper classification of casual employment, part-time employment or full-time employment and what each of those categorisations means for leave entitlements, leave loading, accruing of annual leave.
It’s sometimes an absolute minefield and at the end of the day, the buck stops with you as the business owner or director to make sure that employees are properly paid in accordance with the Law, otherwise face a nasty back-pay claim, fines or even worse.
Unfair dismissal and unlawful termination can be also tricky to navigate, especially when you may not have in-house HR or consultant on call.
We help ensure our clients are protected from lawsuits and other legal issues, and we provide you with the right advice and guidance so you are following all the necessary workplace laws. We are here to help you understand the relevant legislation, awards, legal requirements and agreements that apply to your business.
From negotiating contracts to resolving workplace disputes, Progressive Legal has a proven track record of helping thousands of companies with workplace law issues.
Every business owner needs to protect their business and their employees. One way that may help you do this is by hiring a workplace lawyer.
While some businesses make the mistake of only seeking legal advice when they face legal issues, a workplace lawyer can also help establish your business and prevent issues from arising in the first place.
Legal issues in the workplace can be very complex and can affect many people.
Common legal issues in the workplace include:
If you have a question or a problem that you need to solve, it is best to seek legal advice from a lawyer. Lawyers can give you guidance on how to resolve your workplace issue and what the best course of action is.
Workplace lawyers will also guide you on whether it is possible to have legal action taken.
Employment contracts are important for any organisation that plan to hire staff. These legal documents are a set of written agreements between an employer and employee. These agreements cover all the aspects of the employment relationship. They define what the employee will do and what they will not do. In addition, they cover all aspects of wages, benefits, termination, and other conditions of employment.
Further, employment contracts spell out the terms and conditions of employment and what will happen if there is a dispute between the employer and the employee.
We can also provide:
“Progressive Legal have provided me with excellent employment law contracts to date. The team has a good depth of lawyers with different strengths and specialisations. Their approach is transparent, which is a big reason I use them.”
Jon Ogden, Director at Youth Lab
If you need workplace legal advice now, please get in touch with us today via phone or the contact form on this page.