Code of Conduct: What to Include and How to Implement One

ian aldridgeAuthor: Ian Aldridge, Progressive Legal

code of conduct

In today’s ever-changing business landscape, maintaining a harmonious and ethical workplace is crucial. One of the key tools for achieving this is a well-defined code of conduct.

On this page, we’ll explore the concept of a “code of conduct” in the Australian workplace. We will delve into what a code of conduct is, why it is essential for businesses, and how to implement one effectively.

Need your code of conduct professionally drafted or reviewed?

Contact Progressive Legal for expert workplace legal advice.

What is a code of conduct?

A code of conduct, often referred to as a workplace code, is a set of guidelines and principles that outline the expected behaviour and ethical standards within an organisation.

It serves as a roadmap for employees, ensuring they understand what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior while representing the company.

The importance of a code of conduct

The importance of having a code of conduct for your business cannot be overstated. While legal requirements may vary depending on your specific industry and location, we strongly advise implementing a workplace code for your business, even when not legally mandated.

The purpose of a code of conduct serves as a clear expression of the values your business seeks to instill in its leaders and employees, articulating desired behaviors. This workplace code establishes a standard against which both the business and its employees’ performance can be assessed. Let’s take a deeper look at why a workplace code is so important:

Promoting Ethical Behavior

One of the primary purposes of a code of conduct is to establish a framework for ethical behavior in the workplace. It defines the organisation’s values and expectations, helping employees make informed decisions.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

A well-drafted code of conduct fosters a positive work environment by promoting respect, fairness, and inclusivity. It sets the tone for respectful interactions among employees.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

In Australia, businesses are subject to a wide range of laws and regulations governing various aspects of employment, such as the Fair Work Act 2009. A code of conduct helps ensure that the organisation and its employees comply with these legal requirements.

Protecting Reputation

A company’s reputation is its most valuable asset. A strong workplace code helps protect the organisation’s reputation by preventing unethical behavior and potential legal issues.

Competitive Edge

In today’s socially conscious market, consumers and partners prefer to engage with businesses that prioritise ethical practices. A well-publicised code of conduct can give your business a competitive edge.

Key elements to include in your code of conduct

When drafting your code of conduct, it’s essential to cover various aspects to ensure a comprehensive guideline for your business. Here are the key elements that should be included:

1. Compliance with Legislation

Ensure that all employees adhere to relevant laws and regulations applicable to your industry.

2. Commitment to High Standards

Emphasise your business’s dedication to upholding high ethical and professional standards.

3. Honesty and Integrity

Stress the importance of honest and ethical behavior in all business dealings.

4. Care and Diligence

Encourage employees to perform their tasks with care, attention, and a commitment to quality.

5. Job Description Compliance

Outline the expectations for employees to fulfill their job descriptions and responsibilities.

6. Policies and Procedures

Require employees to abide by the company’s established policies and procedures.

7. Respect and Courtesy

Promote a culture of respect and courtesy among employees.

8. Anti-Bullying and Harassment

Explicitly state the company’s stance against bullying and harassment in the workplace.

9. Compliance with Requests

Instruct employees to fulfill lawful and reasonable requests from superiors.

10. Ethical Workplace Behavior

Encourage ethical conduct in all workplace interactions.

11. Confidentiality and Privacy

Emphasise the importance of maintaining confidentiality and complying with privacy policies.

12. Conflict of Interest

Instruct employees to avoid or disclose conflicts of interest.

13. Proper Use of Business Property

Specify the appropriate use of company property and resources.

14. Unbiased Workplace

Promote an environment free from bias, discrimination, and prejudice.

15. Truthfulness

Prohibit the dissemination of false or misleading information.

16. Responsible Use of Authority

Discourage the misuse of information, power, or authority.

17. Information Use

Ensure that information is used appropriately and responsibly.

18. Business Benefit

Encourage actions that benefit the business and its stakeholders.

19. Upholding Reputation

Stress the importance of upholding the business’s core values and maintaining a good reputation, both in Australia and overseas.

20. Disciplinary Actions

Specify the consequences and disciplinary actions for any violations of the code of conduct.

Including these elements in your workplace code will provide clear guidance to your employees and help create a workplace culture that values ethics, integrity, and professionalism.

At Progressive Legal, our experienced workplace lawyers specialise in implementing these elements into a tailored code of conduct unique to your business and its values. Request our advice below for a professionally drafted workplace code.

Best practices when implementing a code of conduct

Developing an effective code of conduct requires careful consideration and attention to detail. To ensure your workplace code serves its purpose effectively, here are some best practices to keep in mind:


Involve employees at all levels of the organisation in the development process. Seek input from various departments and backgrounds to ensure the workplace code reflects the diverse perspectives within your workplace.

Clarity and Simplicity

Write the code of conduct in plain, straightforward language that is easy for all employees to understand. Avoid jargon or legalistic terms that may confuse or intimidate readers.


Tailor your code of conduct to the specific needs and values of your organisation. While there are common principles, your workplace code should reflect your company’s unique culture and industry.

Legal Review

Consult with our specialist employment lawyers to ensure that your code of conduct aligns with Australian laws and regulations. This step is crucial to avoid legal pitfalls.

Training and Education

Provide comprehensive training to all employees regarding the workplace code. Make sure they understand not only the content but also the rationale behind each principle.


Ensure that the code of conduct is readily accessible to all employees. Consider providing both digital and printed copies and make it available on your company’s intranet or website.

Regular Review and Update

The business environment is dynamic, and ethical challenges may evolve over time. Regularly review and update your code of conduct to address emerging issues and ensure its continued relevance.

Lead by Example

Leadership must set the standard by consistently demonstrating adherence to the code of conduct. When employees see leaders upholding ethical standards, they are more likely to do the same.

Whistleblower Protection

Establish clear mechanisms for reporting violations, and ensure that whistleblowers are protected from retaliation. This encourages employees to come forward with concerns.

Continuous Communication

Encourage open communication about the code of conduct. Foster a culture where employees feel comfortable discussing ethical dilemmas and seeking guidance.

By following these best practices, you can create a workplace code that not only meets legal requirements but also helps build a workplace culture based on integrity, trust, and ethical behavior.

Remember that a well-developed code of conduct is not a static document, it evolves with your organisation and the changing ethical landscape, serving as a valuable resource for your employees and a testament to your commitment to ethical business practices.

Key Takeaways 

A well-structured code of conduct guides your business towards ethical excellence, legal compliance, and a culture of integrity. By incorporating the key elements discussed and adhering to best practices, your workplace code becomes a valuable asset, fostering trust, respect, and a positive workplace environment.

To ensure your business benefits from a professionally drafted code of conduct tailored to your unique needs, reach out to Progressive Legal today. Our experienced workplace lawyers are here to assist you in creating a robust and effective workplace code that aligns with your business objectives and values.

Take the first step towards a more ethical and successful workplace by contacting us now on 1800 820 083 or by requesting our expert advice below. Your business deserves the best, and we are here to deliver. it. 

Need your code of conduct professionally drafted or reviewed?

Contact us by giving us a call on 1800 820 083 or request our advice today.

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