Influencer Agreement

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Influencer agreement: managing influencer relationships effectively

With influencers now fast becoming an effective way of reaching audiences in a short amount of time, the need to document these commercial arrangements has become imperative.

An influencer agreement sets clear expectations of the collaboration between your business and an influencer. Without one, we’ve seen content disputes and compliance issues quickly become a reality. Our goal is to prevent these issues from creeping up on you and mitigating potential risks early.

Progressive Legal offers practical and timely legal advice tailored to your needs. We understand influencer marketing and are committed to your success. Get in touch with us today for a clear, concise, and effective influencer agreement that protects your brand and facilitates a successful partnership.

What is an influencer agreement?

An influencer agreement is a legally binding contract between a business and an influencer outlining the terms and conditions of their working relationship. The document ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and expectations, thereby minimising the risk of misunderstandings and disputes.

Whys is it important for an influencer agreement to be in writing?

If you’re considering engaging an influencer to assist in the marketing of your business’ goods and services, it’s crucial to have the agreement in writing to have the commercial arrangement legally binding to cover you.

Your brand is a fantastic marketing tool for your business and influencers are a great way of promoting your brand nowadays.

However, putting your brand into the hands of somebody else that’s representing your brand is equally as dangerous and potentially can go one way or the other, or even sideways.

The importance of documenting the relationship between your business and the influencer

More and more people are realising how important it is to document that relationship, just like you would with any other contractor or service provider. A written influencer agreement ensures that the terms of engagement are clear and legally binding, protecting both parties involved.

Clarity in responsibilities and expectations

Some influencers may be less business-minded from your business perspective, but more focused about them and their social profile.

Making sure that this commercial arrangement is very clear in an Influencer Agreement, detailing who is responsible for what, who is not responsible, and what each party can obtain from the relationship, is crucial.

Defining the scope of work

It’s really important to make sure that all the ground lines are made and everyone knows how to kick a goal. This includes specifying how many posts are going to be done over what period of time, what hashtags are going to be used, who’s going to be responsible for photo-shoots, and any costs involved.

There’s actually quite a lot more to it than you might first realise, and just making sure that there are consequences if things don’t get done.

Ensuring accountability and proper payment structure

We’ve seen countless amounts of people not doing what they said they were going to do, and from a business owner’s perspective, usually the money’s already left the front door.

Getting a little bit of commercial advice from us on how things can be structured from a payment perspective ensures that payments are made in stages when certain milestones are achieved. This helps ensure that at the end of the day, everyone’s happy.

What needs to be included in an influencer agreement?

A strong and legally compliant influencer agreement agreement should detail the following: 

  1. Exclusivity
  2. Term of engagement and termination
  3. Detailing the exact services and responsibilities of the influencer
  4. Intellectual property protection
  5. Confidentiality
  6. Appropriate release for photographs or videos
  7. Non-disparagement
  8. Appropriately weighted indemnities
  9. Clearly spelling out the nature of the independent contractor
  10. Clauses dealing with GST and other taxes
  11. Clauses dealing with disputes and appropriate jurisdiction

Key takeaways

As you can see from the above, there’s more things to consider than you might first realise.

Like any commercial relationship, the importance of making sure that the lines are clear and that there are clear remedies available to you should the influencer breach any term of the engagement.

Keep in mind that just as much as an influencer can make a very large positive impact on future potential sales for the business, equally they can also bring swift destruction to a valuable brand in one key stroke or a defamatory post.

We have assisted many businesses engage with influencers well and understand the modern online environment. We make sure you’re protected in these particular transactions. If you need help with influencer relationships and agreements give us a call on 1800 820 083 or make an online enquiry below.

“I feel very good knowing that my Influencer Contracts have been done by professionals!”

Georgina Di Pietro, Eyebrow Ink Styling

Influencer agreement cost

Our cost starts from $900 + GST for a fully tailored influencer agreement, including all associated advice and any minor alterations. Get in touch with one of our experienced commercial lawyers via phone or by making an enquiry below.