Hiring staff – should you start with casuals?

Hiring staff – should you start with casuals?

Casual, part-time, full-time? What should you start with when it’s time to begin hiring?

It’s always difficult when starting up to know when is the right time to start hiring casual/part-time/full-time as you grow and scale.

I speak from experience myself and advising other start-ups legally. I think the approach generally to start off hiring casuals as a good way of protecting your legal position if you need to replace quickly without too many consequences.

Obviously it’s a double edged sword if they want to up and leave without giving you notice.

Thinking about your employment agreements when hiring

You might consider having in your hiring agreements that the anticipation is for them to move to part-time/full time upon certain milestones being reached and/or performance (at your discretion) but it would give them some comfort that the position would move in that direction if all goes well and the business can afford it.

I’ve asked my accountant as well at those times what the business can afford in terms of position increases and pays which has been really helpful.

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Get your employment contracts reviewed

Legally when hiring, your contracts should be plain language and non-complex wherever possible. I wouldn’t be too concerned about consequences of termination provisions and they should be bolstered with cascading clauses and reasonable actions to aid their enforceability – employees generally understand them to be common practice.

You should have your documents legally reviewed by someone that understands your business really well and what you want to protect.

Most of us have probably either had employees burn us or have been burnt by employers before – it’s almost a “right of passage” in business to teach us to get it right the next time.

Treat your hires firmly but fairly

I would also add that you also need to be firm, fair and friendly with them. Keep the professionalism as high as you can. If you act in a professional way with them, they will respect you more and most often show it back.

Having clear boundaries in your hiring contracts and policies is a really good start but they need to be maintained daily and not just given lip-service.

Hiring and managing staff is a big task

You will find that managing staff is a much bigger task than first anticipated – I think I might spend half/third of my time now overseeing work, dealing with matters arising, issues, morale, constant contact, pays, reimbursements, expenses, following up, monitoring work flow, coaching, mentoring, feedback, setting expectations, reviews, discipline, the list goes on and on.

Hiring additional resources is a great way to take your business to the next level, just make sure you’re prepared to put in the work.


Contact us today if you require any assistance with preparing or reviewing your employment contracts.

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