NDIS Lawyer

NDIS legal services Sydney

Our office is conveniently located in Sydney: 801, Level 8/100 William St, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 (view in Google Maps).

How does an NDIS lawyer at Progressive Legal help you?

At Progressive Legal, we specialise in providing expert legal guidance and support to really help you harness the full potential of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for your business. Our NDIS services include but are not limited to:

  • NDIS plan review and appeals
  • NDIS provider registration and compliance
  • Disability accommodation matters
  • NDIS claims and funding disputes
  • Strategic NDIS Advice
  • Tailored documents

Trust us to solve your NDIS-related problems, so you can focus on what truly matters – your business. Request our expert advice today.

ndis lawyer

Our NDIS lawyers are well-versed in all aspects of the NDIS.

Why choose us for your NDIS matter?

Progressive Legal is your partner in navigating the complexities of the NDIS. Our team of experienced NDIS lawyers possesses in-depth knowledge of the Australian NDIS system, enabling us to offer tailored legal documents and advice that cater to your specific requirements.

What sets us apart is our commitment to delivering timely results and maximising your NDIS benefits. With a focus on providing services such as plan review and appeals, provider registration and compliance, disability accommodation matters, claims and funding disputes, and strategic NDIS advice, we help your business gain a competitive edge and thrive within the NDIS framework.

Get in touch with us today and speak to one of our experts.

NDIS Lawyer FAQs

What is the NDIS?

The NDIS, short for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, is an Australian government program introduced to provide support and services to people with disabilities.

It’s a landmark scheme designed to enhance the quality of life and independence of individuals with disabilities. If you run a business in Australia, understanding the NDIS is becoming increasingly important, as it may impact your employees or clientele.

What is the difference between an NDIS Service Provider and an NDIS Plan Manager?

NDIS Service Providers

An NDIS Service Provider is essentially a business that delivers supports or products to NDIS participants. These services can include healthcare, education, social activities, transport, and more. Service providers are registered with the NDIS and must meet specific quality and safety standards to deliver their services.

We offers tailored legal services to NDIS service providers, including compliance advice, contract drafting and review, dispute resolution, and assistance with NDIS registration and quality assurance standards.

NDIS Plan Managers

An NDIS Plan Manager is a professional who helps NDIS participants manage their funding and payments. They assist in keeping track of budgets, paying service providers, and handling the financial aspects of the participant’s NDIS plan. Plan managers ensure that participants have more control and flexibility over their NDIS funds without the administrative burden.

For NDIS plan managers, we provide legal support in contract management, compliance with NDIS regulations, dispute resolution, and financial management practices to ensure smooth and efficient handling of NDIS funds.

Why does the NDIS matter to business owners?

As a business owner or employer, you may wonder why the NDIS is relevant to your operations. There are several reasons:

Employing People with Disabilities

If your business employs people with disabilities, understanding the NDIS is essential. It may affect the support your employees receive and can impact workplace accessibility.

Service Providers

If your business provides services to individuals with disabilities, you may need to work within the NDIS framework. Being knowledgeable about the scheme can help you better serve your clients.

Legal Compliance

NDIS-related legal requirements and compliance standards may apply to your business. Ensuring you meet these standards is crucial for avoiding legal issues.

Maximising Opportunities

Understanding how the NDIS operates can open up opportunities for your business. For example, you may be able to offer specialised services to NDIS participants.

What is the role of an NDIS lawyer?

Legal expertise

NDIS lawyers specialise in the legal aspects of the scheme. They are well-versed in the NDIS Act and related legislation, ensuring that your business complies with the law.

Navigating complex processes

Applying for NDIS support or resolving disputes within the NDIS can be a daunting task. An NDIS lawyer can guide you through these processes, simplifying them and increasing your chances of success.


If you or your employees encounter challenges while dealing with the NDIS, a lawyer can act as a strong advocate, ensuring that your rights and interests are protected.

Dispute resolution

In cases of disputes with the NDIS, an NDIS lawyer can represent your business and work towards a favourable resolution, either through negotiation or formal proceedings.

Strategic advice

NDIS lawyers can provide strategic advice tailored to your business needs. This includes understanding how the NDIS can benefit your organisation and helping you make informed decisions.

When should I consider hiring an NDIS lawyer?

You should consider hiring an NDIS lawyer when you encounter challenges with your NDIS plan, need assistance with provider registration, face disputes, or require strategic advice for optimising NDIS benefits. Legal assistance can make these processes smoother and more effective.

How can an NDIS lawyer help with plan reviews?

An NDIS lawyer can assist by reviewing your NDIS plan, ensuring it aligns with your needs and goals. If necessary, they can file appeals on your behalf to request modifications or additional support, maximising the benefits you receive.

What benefits can I expect from engaging an NDIS lawyer?

Engaging an NDIS lawyer offers benefits like expert guidance, simplified NDIS processes, faster issue resolution, and strategic advice. They can help you secure the support you deserve and protect your rights within the NDIS framework.

 NDIS lawyer: request expert advice today

Request NDIS advice from one of our highly qualified NDIS lawyers via phone or by making an enquiry below.